Software architect
Hi everybody, in this week's blog we'll be discussing the importance of software architecture and how imperative it is for any project to be successful to design a robust and exhaustive design. Quoting author Pete Goodliffe " the architecture is the si ngle largest influence on the design and future growth of a soft ware system. It is therefore essential to get it right in the early stages of development ". You may be wondering how is it exactly that we design and implement a well made architecture, what do we need to take into consideration and how does it help us. Basically what we are trying to do is to create an overview of what a system will look like on a high level design, this means that we should focus on the requirements it needs to fulfill, the functionality, establish certain components, connections, and optimize our efforts by making sure that there is no redundant work, that what needs to be done is clear and that it is visible for anyone involved in t...